Sunday, March 22, 2009
T2W1 Journal Writing : Earth Hour
Earth Hour is when everyone in the world turns off their lights. Earth Hour will be held on the 28th this year. People are organising this event so robberies......I mean to save energy by not using the energy to power the lights. Half of the population will be robbed and the other,,,, I mean people will be living in darkness. Activities I can organise with my family and friends during Earth Hour are
1:Making our houses theif-proof...I means lighting candles for light.
2:Puting 999 on speed dial in case the anyone does get robbed....I mean reminding people to turn off their lights on the 28th. Problems the Earth is facing is there are an increasing number of houses getting robbed on Earth Hour....... I mean the Earth is getting popluted and popluted and also we are running out of energy to power our homes. One solutions to one of the problems which I have highlighted is that we can make more jails before Earth Hour so we can put all those robbers in............I mean we can make Earth Hour an monthly thing so we save more money on electricty.
Thanks for reading and remeber to make your house theif-proof......I mean turn off your lights on the 28th!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
T1W10 Journal Writing : Sports and School Sports Day
T1W9 Journal Writing : Fire Safety
Our pupils are conscious of fire safety cause they read the fire safety posters I think.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
T1 W8 Journal Writing : Reading
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
OuTSiDe ActIvITiEs
Tuesday: High Achievers Math 1:30-2:30
Wednesday: Tuition 4:00-5:30
Thursday:Tuition 4:00-5:30
Friday: CCA Pottery 1:30-3:30
All these activities I do for a reason theres so many reasons that the whole list would be too long so it's better to write the reasons why I don't go be relaxed watch movies watch TV learn (just kidding) play games
I don't feel stressed with all these activities cause well i'm not really a stressed guy my head's like in the sky most of the time so when someone shouts "OBAMA'S THE PRESIDENT!!" i'm like "what?!!?? I thought that was next year."

Thats It Folks!!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A place I would to go!
1 w0u!d l1k3 t0 g0 t0 Afr1(a !!! (ause 1 w0u!d l1k3 t0 s33 th3 an1ma!s and a!s0 t0 h3!p th3 k1ds th3 p00r afr1(1an k1ds wh0 struggl3 t0 g3t 3n0ugh wat3r f0r th3 day thats why ! w0uld t0 go t0 Afr1(a and als0 s33 the br3ath tak1ng v3iw 0f th3 an1mals!
Passion for learning
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Total Defence

Monday, February 2, 2009
T1W5 Journal Writing
I go about setting the targets when i see my previous targets and set my targets higher than my previous acheivement. To achieve my target I always try I little harder than last time revise alittle longer. To motivate yourself towards achieving the targets I always think of the people who try harder cause those people simply amaze me they just normal people who aim towards their targets even though it is really hard I mean if I was MLK (Martin Luther King) I would have just sat in my home hoping white people wouldn't beat me up. The teachers could use a peroid of our day to talk about how we would acheive our targets.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
T1W4 Journal Writing : Festivals
I know some festivals celebrated by the other races like CNY or Deepavali.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Secret of the Tooth Fairy
Ok one simple rule to remember THE TOOTH FAIRY IS NOT REAL. That simple just keep that fact in mind and continue reading. We all know now that The Tooth Fairy is a fairy that collects your teeth and leaves you some coins when one falls out. But thats fake all of it is!!!
This is how it all started.
I think we all know the story of Peter Pan and in that story theres also a fairy called Tinker Bell. when a young prince mind you Peter Pan was first told in 1784 in those times Kings,Queens,Princes and Princesses RULED! So anyways the young prince aged 4 was told the story of Peter Pan and wanted a fairy of his own but we all know there is no such things as fairys not now not ever. So a wise old man took to the castle (where the prince lived) to give the prince a fairy. When arriving to the castle the wise old man saw the prince loved candy and had a wild imagination so he told him that if he ate more than 5 pieces of candy a day he would give him a fairy that will pluck out all his teeth but if he can obey the rules the fairy would give him chocalate coins. And after years the story got mixed up and become something people do and that is the story of THE TOOTH FAIRY!!!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Term 1 Week 2:School's mission,vision and values
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Term 4 week 6 :Littering and vandalism
So I searched up the meaning of littering and vandalism in "THE ACCURATE DIC OF MINS!" which you can buy at my house for $75634735758 so here it goes again. Littering and vandalism is somethingwhat a person does , littering is when someone thorws a piece of trash where they are not supposed to accidently or purporsly it is the same , vandalism is when someone uses something that gives out a liquid that dirtys that place.
Happy Mr.Ong?
Oh yay and if you want to you can always read the old and BETTER version below.=)
Littering and vandalism is something what someone doeswhen the person is bored and want to turn the courntry in to North Korea or is something what a crazy person does. The difference between those 2 crimes is littering is when someone drops trash and vandalism is when someone takes spray paint or something else and then dirty something without permission. Children litter and vandalise cause their bored,want revenge,acceidently and alot of other things but I don't want to type them as it'll take like half my blog. I feel pretty annoyed when the place is littered or vandalised. I have seen places that are littered and vandalised in Yemen. We can't stop littering and vandalism in the school as if we make some rules some will break them so the only way is to rid the school from people! We should cane people and fine them $50 who litter or vandalise and them every month give me the gathered money cause I came up with the idea.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Term 4 Week 4 : Formula One Racing
Hello everyone................................ I guess thats the silence of millons of peoples voice's not replying well I should began F1 is races when alot of cars and people race for some money all around the world and alot idiotic people who waste money to buy those tickets to watch a couple of cars zoom by. F1 first started by Leeeyis Hampilltan lots of years ago he want to be rich but not work hard but unlike other wanna-be-rich people he was patient all the others just used some cheats and all the other junk where you always get caught to get rich but he was smart after watching all those people which isn't hard he knew he had to be alittle patient but he was born patient so he didn't have to worry about that he knew he had to start something everyone would like so he started F1 and you know what all he had to do was borrow some money from a bank to be the prize money and to buy supplies and then he got some guys to race in cars and put up posters that watching the F1 is the new fad alot of idiots paid lots of money to watch cars zoom by and amazing it still works! F1 is held in rich cites cause rich city=rich people=people who have to have the latestest fad=people watch F1. I think Singapore should stage the F1 cause it basicly has almost everything up there. Benefits Singapore gets for staging the F1 are 2 benefits , 1 =Knowing that it's a rich city and 2 =getting one third of the money made in F1 . My favourite F1 driver is Lewis Hamlitan cause his name sounds alot like you-know-who. The thing that I like about F1 is that it is a really good get-rich-scheme .
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Term 4 Week 3 : Recycling
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Term 4 week 2
Stress is an annoying feeling someone might get when they are annoyed,frustrated or stuck with a problem it can also be when Angeela keeps on doing what you don't want her to do liike stealing your key. I have felt stressed when I had alot of work to do when the exams were around the corner. I cope with stress by going to *Thailand and get monks to give meditation. Teachers and schools can help in relieving our stress by stop giving us homework. A messege for me friends "EACH MAN FOR HIMSELF"*
*Sorry to Thailand and Thai monks
*it means FIND OUT YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I think reading is important. I usually read Manga,comics and mistery books or adventure books. In a month I read about 50 books a month. I read cause it can give me inifnite knowlegde plus I can out smart evil cruel people and will keep me entertained. I think that computer games aren't affecting pupils in their reading as we can sort when we read and play computer games like I do. The school can encourage more pupils to read by puting reading as homework. A book I would recomend is "The Bad Begining" Auther "Lemony Sniket".
Monday, August 25, 2008
Term 3 Week 10 : Computer Games
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Term 3 Week 9 : The Olympic Games
The origin of 'Olympics' is .One day Zeus* was bored and wanted the Humans to entain him he kidnnaped some people , trained them for 4 years and had them do some games like swimming and running. The Olympics are such an important event in sports as Zeus threatened to destory Earth if we didn't and he gave us 4 years to train. I have watched ann Olympic event because my country swimmer Park guy was swimming. Michael Phelps impresses me most because after Zeus Made him participart he can still win 8 gold medals. I wouldn't you like to participate in the Olympics Games. I think it is worth organising the Olympics and we have no choice any ways.
*The god who holds the highest position in all gods in Greek.
Notice: All info is not to be viewed by anyone so noone can sue me!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Term 3 Week 8 : National Day
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Term 3 Week 7 : Copyright
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Chin-Chin news report 2
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Term 3 Week 6 : Racial Harmony
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Term 3 Week 5 : Sleepy Kids
Saturday, July 19, 2008
1st Chin-Chin report
Sponsered by Chin-Chin-cloths seller inc and Chin-Chin-Gunseller corp
Special Thanks to Mr.Chin-Chin,Mr.Chin-Chin,Mr.Chin-Chin,Mr.Chin-Chin, Mr.Chin-Chin and YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Note:sound is very low so turn up those knobs!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Personal response Week 4 : Cyberbullying
Monday, July 7, 2008
Term 3 Week 3 : The Right Use of 999
Term 3 Week 2 : Netiquette
I can show netiquette by not hacking and not making porn. Netiquette is important as if everyone hacked,porned and say curse words the computer world would be in chaos. People who do not observe netiquette hoax and make porn which I feel very bad about. My advice to people all over the world is "If you wish to PORN,HACK,HOAX and CURSE do it in the REAL world got the guts of course not so why do it in the computer world??
Monday, June 30, 2008
PE Attire
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Because of the recent OFFENDED CLASSMATE problem I need your help just write your name in the commments so I can draw you exmple in commments.
Hoilday work 3
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Holiday work 2
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
holiday work

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Project work
PS.If you have any ideas how I can apolosize please leave a comment thanks!And if you're Angleo I really am sorry.=)
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Personal Response 5:Earthquakes
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Limerick (My Teacher)
He really likes to play ping pong
He sucks at it alot
But he's really hot
And my teachers name is Mr.Ong