Thursday, May 15, 2008

Limerick (My Teacher)

My teacher really looks like King Kong
He really likes to play ping pong
He sucks at it alot
But he's really hot
And my teachers name is Mr.Ong

Reflection 5:Mother's day

I think that Mother's day when mothers can rest.I let my mother rest on mothers day.My relationship with my mom is family and helper.My mother helped me though the years by surpporting me.I can strength relationship with my mom by being with her and not bite the hand that feeds me.I think mothers are important in children's lives as they surpport them and help them though their lives.If I could do something for my mom I would make her happy.

Personal Response 4:Childs saftey in a school bus

I don't take the school bus to school.2. I dont know how children behave in a school bus as I don't take the school bus to school.I agree with her as an accident could happen any moment and seat beats will help prevent death.I disagree with him as I said above.Children acn not play in a bus to prvent an accident.

Reflection 4:Food sold in our canteen

I do not eatfood sold in our canteen as I think it taste bad.My favourite stall is the Milky Way because it sells drinks that I drink.I think the drinks sold in the canteen are ok and clean as I never saw a dirty cup.I think Milo's healthly.I think cheese burgers should be should in our canteen.I think people could help make the canteen cleaner by not littering.