Sunday, March 30, 2008

Refection 2: My Dream

My dream is becoming an artist and then when I show the world some proper art instead of crappy art like just one dot or line on a blank white canvas and getting TONS of money.After that, I will get some bucks as in money to make my dream home. Each room with it's own world: a reptile room,a viewing room,a relaxing room,a garden room and more.
It will show people that art is more than just colors on canvas. It is something that you need to plan and plan until it is perfect for you but it doesn't need to inspire other people only you because you like to do it.
I think that I have realised my perfect dream, fitting for me and people sometimes admiring my work like the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle that you were looking for.
Yes,I think people should have dreams as they inspire and push us as we progress through our lives.


michelle baey yi hui said...

very good!mins

Ong JC said...

Hi Min,
Your comments are very sincere and insightful. I agree with you especially your last sentence where people will be motivated to work harder.
Mr Ong

POP said...

Nice blog but to alot of pictures.

Yellow Bellied Chicken said...
